Quick Tour of the Classroom

ITSPU was designed from the ground up to be super useful and easy to navigate. Here are the basics, and a video for those who would rather learn or reinforce via video.
First, you need to register for a course at www.itspu.com. Once you have a login, you can always go back and review the courses you have access to, replay them, grab downloads, or even retake the course live at no additional charge. Click on your picture/avatar in the upper right-hand corner to access your account.
Second, if your class is “on demand,” you can simply go to your course and begin. If you registered for live course, please access the class information to grab the Zoom registration link. That will be the link you need on the day the classes are live.
Third, the elements on each Course page are:
- The main screen will have introductory information for the course
- To the right you will find handouts for each of the units
- The main screen is also where the video recording will appear
- Below the main screen, there are four tabs
- Unit Summary and objectives. Quiz questions will appear here.
- A Transcript of the recording will be posted one the recording is up
- “Extra resources” includes links, book references, and other things mentioned in class
- Class outline for this course. You can link straight to an individual unit from here.
Quizzes and Exams
Each unit has 12-15 quiz questions, designed to reinforce the material presented in a unit. Use these to test your retention.
We also offer certifications for all courses. Certification exams consist of fifty questions selected from the quiz questions. In other words, you will have seen all the questions beforehand. Again, our goal is to emphasize the important elements of the course.
One exam will earn you a Professional Certification badge. The right combination of five exams will earn you a Specialist Certification. See https://www.itspu.com/certifications/ for more information.
Questions? Assistance?
For questions on course materials and lessons, email your instructor. For information on the ITSPU learning platform, downloads, registration, etc., contact us directly. We are always happy to help!
Nothing Happens by Itself
Karl’s motto is Nothing Happens by Itself. All courses at ITSPU are designed to have (optional) homework that reinforced the class material and helps you implement recommendations that will move your business forward.
Taking classes is great. But don’t let it be just a mental exercise. Do Something to turn the material into usable actions within your company. We really are hear to help you be more successful.
Congratulations on taking action to improve your business! Please let us know if we can help.